Baltimore City Rental Inspections
How do I rent in Baltimore City?
Important Information for Baltimore City Rental Property Owners
If you own residential rental units in Baltimore City, it's crucial to be aware of the new requirements for registration, inspection, and licensing. These regulations have been put in place to ensure the safety and maintenance of rental properties. Here's what you need to know:
1. Registration Requirement: All residential rental units, including one- and two-family dwellings and multi-family dwellings, are now required to be registered, inspected, and licensed to operate as rentals. This applies to all rental properties within Baltimore City.
2. Deadline: The law, which took effect on August 1, 2018, required all rental properties to be licensed to operate as rentals by January 1, 2019. Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid penalties or legal issues.
3. Registration Process: Property owners must register their rental units with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) using the online portal provided by the city.
4. Inspection Requirement: To receive a rental license from DHCD, the property must undergo an inspection by a State Licensed, Baltimore City registered Home Inspector. This inspection is a critical step in ensuring that the property meets safety and maintenance standards.
As a rental property owner, it's your responsibility to comply with these regulations and ensure that your property is registered, inspected, and licensed as required by Baltimore City law. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences and penalties.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the inspection process, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you navigate these requirements and ensure that your rental property is in compliance.
Contact us today to schedule your rental property inspection and take the necessary steps to meet Baltimore City's rental licensing requirements.
How to have your Property Inspected?
Ensuring Compliance with Baltimore City Rental Inspection Requirements
As a State Licensed, Baltimore City registered Home Inspector, we are here to assist you in completing your rental property inspection to satisfy the requirements set by Baltimore City. Here's what you can expect from the inspection process:
1. Inspection Overview: During the inspection, the Home Inspector will assess your property for basic life, health, and safety items to ensure it is up to code and safe for occupants and neighboring residents.
2. Areas of Inspection: The inspection covers various aspects, including but not limited to electrical systems, plumbing, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, interior and exterior sanitary conditions, utilities, and lead paint.
3. Inspection Form: We recommend reviewing the inspection form provided by Baltimore City to understand the specific requirements and identify any necessary repairs or improvements that need to be addressed before the inspection.
4. Compliance and Licensing: Compliance with these requirements is crucial for obtaining or renewing your rental license. Initial licenses are typically issued for a two-year period, and the duration of future licenses may vary based on your maintenance record and violation history.
Our goal is to help you navigate the inspection process smoothly, ensure your property meets all necessary standards, and assist you in obtaining or renewing your rental license. We understand the importance of compliance with Baltimore City regulations and are here to support you every step of the way.
Contact us today to schedule your rental property inspection and ensure that your property meets Baltimore City's rental licensing requirements. We are committed to helping you maintain a safe and compliant rental property.
What will the Inspector be looking for?
Railing is present for interior & exterior steps with more than 3 risers.
Gas service is metered and active.
Electric service is metered and active.
Electrical live wires are not visible in living areas.
Electrical outlets are protected by cover plates.
Lighting fixtures are functional and switches protected by cover plates.
Smoke Detectors are properly installed and operational.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms are properly installed and operational.
There is both hot and cold running water with the hot water having a minimum temperature of 110°F.
Plumbing fixtures do not leak.
All toilets properly flush.
Property appears to be free of interior leaks from water supply and waste lines.
Windows, which are designed to do so, open and close and have a working locking mechanism.
All entry doors to individual units close and have a working locking mechanism.
Exterior walls and interior ceilings, are free of openings that will
allow the entry, into the home, of weather elements such as rain, snow, etc.
Exterior gutter and downspout system is installed and designed to channel water away from the property.
The property has an operable heat supply system.
The interior of the property is clean and sanitary.
The exterior is free of rodent burrows.
Evidence suggesting a potential infestation of rodents, insects or other pests.
If there is a bedroom in the basement, there is proper egress in case of fire.
Any other readily observable problems that in an inspector’s opinion represent an immediate threat to the health and safety of occupant
Additional Items for Multifamily Properties
Public hallways and stairways are free of obstructions.
Public hallways and other common areas are well lit.
Fire separation is intact between dwellings, hallways, and stairways.
Fire alarm system is in working order. (Enter N/A if not required.)
Fire doors are present, free of defect and closures work.
Exit signs are installed and clearly visible.
Mechanical room (furnace, boiler) has proper clearance and is not used for storage.
Electrical room (meters, wires) has proper clearance.
The multi-family license is posted in a common area.
HOTELS & MOTELS Only – Prominently display a sign stating that the facility has provided training to all employees on how to identify human trafficking activities and human trafficking victims.
Any other readily observable problems that in the inspector’s opinion represent an immediate threat to the health or safety of the occupant(s)